Mentmore Climbing Area
There are two separate recreation areas at Mentmore, the climbing cliffs and the western trailhead for the High Desert Trail System. Due to the remote location, there is rarely anyone at Mentmore other than locals. Dogs are welcome.
Mentmore Rock Climbing Area
A local climber/biker discovered the cliffs at Mentmore in 1997. Climbers and outdoor enthusiasts in the Gallup area collaborated with the family who owns the property to make Mentmore a fun place to climb. Prior to development as a climbing area, the site was being used for illegal dumping. There is still a lot of broken glass and debris around the cliffs.
The cliffs are composed of a well-cemented uplifted shelf of yellow to tan Cretaceous Gallup Sandstone. In total, there are over 100 routes, usually 40' to 50' tall. Most of the routes are sport, with a few traditional in the mix. There are more than 50 bolted top rope climbs and 31 sport climbs, ranging in height from 25 to 45 feet with difficultly levels of 5.0 through 5.13.
Mentmore is comprised of two separate areas, the new area and the original area. Both contain single-pitch sandstone climbs, with numerous moderate routes. All routes have easily accessible top rope anchors and plenty of rap stations for easy anchor set up and cleanup. Most top ropes require short (under 4') slings.
Original Area
Walk west along the path/dirt road from the parking area, down into the arroyo, then up again towards the visible cliffs. It is about a 5-10 minute walk. Be careful of broken glass and other garbage. The area used to be a dumping area. The original area is well established with numerous routes.
New Area
Walk south from the parking area towards the nearby cliffs. About a 5-minute walk. There are new climbs added to the new area every year. Some locals believe the ratings in this area are slightly overrated.

During the rainy season (July/August), check the weather (current and recent) before trekking to Mentmore. The sandstone gets fragile when it is wet. Local climbers ask that you wait about 48 hours following a heavy rainstorm before climbing.
The area is owned by the city of Gallup so there are no access issues. However, don’t park on the railroad tracks behind the original area. It is an active train line. A lot of trains go through Gallup daily.
Mentmore Climbing Area
209 Mentmore Road Gallup, New Mexico 87301
(505) 726-5490
Directions: West on Route 66/Hwy 118, .5 mile from Interstate 40. Exit 16 in Gallup. Turn right (north) onto County Road 1 and travel for about one mile. The road makes a sharp turn to the left (west) and becomes Mentmore Road.
Take Mentmore Road about 1.5 miles up and over the hill. At the bottom of the hill the road turns sharply to the right. At this turn go straight through the open gate to the Mentmore Rock Climbing Area Parking Lot.

High Desert Trail System
The High Desert Trail system is comprised of over 22 miles of trail and is suitable for an afternoon or an all-day epic hike or bike ride.
209 Mentmore Road Gallup, New Mexico 87301 (505) 726-5490

Zuni Mountain Trail System
Hiking and mountain biking in the forests around McGaffey.